SCPI Commands for the Digital to Analog Converter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
a second time. It will continue this cycle until an abort, reset, or INIT:CONT
OFF command is received. This command applies to all trigger sources.
This command initiates the current programmed trigger sequence. After the
instrument has completed the current trigger sequence, it enters the idle state.
See instrument documentation for details on instrument state after an INITiate.
This command is applicable only to an IMMediate trigger source. INIT:IMMedi-
ate is functional only with the TRIG:SOURCE IMMediate command.
This command applies to TRIG:SOURCe:IMMEDiate only. This command
returns an error for all other trigger sources.
NOTE. For the DAC and Digital Output, if you select a trigger source other than
IMMediate, the INItiate:IMMediate command will not work. Either instrument
will continue to accept triggers and generate data until one instrument receives
one of the following commands:ABORt, INSTrument:ABORt, an implied abort,
or INITiate:CONTinuous OFF. Consult the summaries for each of these
commands for more information.
Command Response
0 = continuous initiate not enabled
1 = continuous initiate enabled
INITiate:IMMediate N/A
See TRIGger([: SEQuence1] |:STARt) [:LAYer]:IMMediate command for an ex-
INSTrument Subsystem
The INSTrument subsystem controls the operational state of the DAC.
Query Response
Command Syntax
Query Syntax