SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Table 3–7: MEASure:VOLTage[DC]? and <Expected Value> ranges
<Expected Value> Range Input Impedance
+0.000 ≤ |EV| ≤ +0.030 ±30 mV 10 MW or 10 GW
+0.030 < |EV| ≤ +0.300 ±300 mV 10 MW or 10 GW
+0.300 < |EV| ≤ +3.000 ±3.00 V 10 MW or 10 GW
+3.000 < |EV| ≤ +30.00 ±30.0 V 10 MW
+30.00 < |EV| ≤ +300.0 ±300.0 V 10 MW
MAXimum ±300.0 V 10 MW
DEFault Autorange 10 MW
MINimum ±30 mV 10 MW
NOTE. Specifying DEFault (autorange) as the <expected value> overwrites the
value specified by the INPut:IMPedance command with 10e6 W.
For the MEASure:VOLTage:AC? and MEASure:VOLTage:ACDC? commands,
the TRMS (true root-mean-square) value is returned. The :AC command defines
AC coupled voltage measurements (DC rejection). The :ACDC command selects
the coupling as AC + DC. EV selects the range as specified below:
Table 3–8: MEASure:VOLTage:AC? and
<Expected Value> ranges
<Expected Value> Range
+0.000 ≤ EV ≤ +0.030 ±30 mV
+0.030 < EV ≤ +0.300 ±300 mV
+0.300 < EV ≤ +3.000 ±3.00 V
+3.000 < EV ≤ +30.00 ±30.0 V
+30.00 < EV ≤ +300.0 ±300.0 V
MAXimum ±300.0 V
DEFault Autorange
MINimum ±30 mV