SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
NOTE. See the MEASure? command for detailed descriptions of the [<Expected
Value>],[<Resolution>], and <Array Size> fields.
The CONFigure[.....]? queries return detailed setup information for the requested
NOTE. If data sampling is in progress, it will be aborted on receipt of a
CONFigure command to prevent ambiguous data interpretation. Typically the
CONFigure (and SENSE) commands are used to predefine the setup of each of
the six measurement functions.
Returns the current measurement configuration information, with the actual
rounded and/or calculated values used by the DMM.
Command Response
CONFigure:SCALar:VOLTage:DC 2 Set to DC Volts, 1 Measurement
CONF? “:SCAL:VOLT:DC 3,1e-05”<LF>
conf:dc 10 Set to DC Volts
conf? “:SCAL:VOLT:DC 30,0.0001”<LF>
conf:volt:ac 5,0.01 Set to AC Volts
configure? “:SCAL:VOLT:AC 30,0.00154919”<LF>
conf:curr:dc max,minimum Set to DC Amps maximum range and minimum resolution
CONFIGURE? “:SCAL:CURR:DC 1,7.74597e-05”<LF>
conf:res def Set to two-wire Resistance
conf? “:SCAL:RES 3e+08,180000”<LF>
conf:fresistance Set to four-wire Resistance
conf? “:SCAL:FRES 3e+08,180000”<LF>
conf:ARRAY:volt:dc 10,50,0.01 Set to DC Volts, 10 Measurements
configure? “:ARR:VOLT:DC 10,300,0.0109545”<LF>
conf:dc? “:ARR:VOLT:DC 10,300,0.0109545 AutoRange OFF
AutoZero OFF Aperture=0.00166667 RPSec=600
NPLC=0.1 Rdgs2Avg=2 LFR=60”<LF> *
Query Response