VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
ABORt commands, 3–7
for VX4101A Multipaq Instrument, 3–7
AC Volt Measurement, 2–44
With the Digital Multimeter (DMM), connections,
with the Digital Multimeter (DMM), 2–44
Optional, 1–12
Standard, 1–12
IEEE–488 address, 1–10
Logical address switch, 1–15
Logical address switches, 1–8
Aperture, 3–66
Calculation, 3–68, 3–99
ARM Commands, for Counter, 3–37
Arming, Counter, 3–39
Asynchronous Mode, 2–4
Command structure overview, 2–4
Query response formats, 2–5
by sequence name, 2–6
by sequence number, 2–6, 2–23
Using, 2–23
Attenuation, 3–59, 3–60, 3–63, 3–65, 3–66, 3–81,
3–82, 3–84, 3–85, 3–91, 3–94, 3–95, 3–101
Counter block diagram, D–1
Input calibration settings for Counter, 3–59
CALCulate commands, 3–47
for Counter, 3–47
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–202
CALibrate Commands, For VX4101A Multipaq
Instrument, 3–9
CALibrate commands
for Counter, 3–58
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–212
Calibration, Input settings for Counter, 3–59
CALibration Commands, for Digital Input, 3–119
Closing a Relay, With a SurePath module, 2–57
Coincidence bit, defined, 3–110
Command Syntax, 3–1
General rules for entering, 3–1
Syntax Example, 3–1
Commands, 2–1
Available at power-on, 3–20
for Counter, 3–29
for Digital Input, 3–115
for Digital Output, 3–147
for Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), 3–169
for Relay Drivers, 3–255
for SurePath modules, 3–259
Global and instrument, 2–1
IEEE 488.2, 3–293
Comparator, Counter block diagram, D–1
Comparator hysteresis, 3–63
CONFigure Commands, for Counter, 3–63
CONFigure commands, 3–120
for Digital Multimeter (DMM), 3–218
Controls and indicators, 1–8
LEDs, 1–9
Aperture Calculation, 3–70
ARM commands for, 3–37
arming, 3–39
Attenuator, D–1
Block Diagram, D–1
CALCulate commands for, 3–47
CALibrate commands for, 3–58
Calibration, G–13
coincidence bit, 3–110
CONFigure commands for, 3–63
Description, 1–2
FETch? queries for, 3–73
INITiate commands for, 3–77
INPut commands for, 3–78
INSTrument commands for, 3–89
MEASure? queries for, 3–91
Measuring frequency with, 2–27
Measuring rise time with, 2–29
Measuring time interval with, 2–28
Measuring time interval with delay, 2–30
OUTPut commands for, 3–100
Phase Measurement, 3–69
READ? queries for, 3–102
Rise and fall time, 3–69
SCPI commands for, 3–29
Selecting input channels, 3–105, 3–107
Self-test, 1–11
SENSe commands for, 3–102
SOURce commands for, 3–109
Specifications, A–4
Status bits for, 3–111
STATus commands for, 3–110
Time Interval Measurement, 3–70