SCPI Commands for the Digital Output
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
TRACe:POINts <number_of_points>
Command Response/Description
TRACe:POINts 11 Sets the number of trace data points to 11
TRACe:POINts? 11
Queries the number of trace data points.
TRACe:RFRequency <repeat_frequency>
Command Response/Description
TRACe:RFRequency 10000.0 Sets the repeat frequency to 10 kHz
TRACe:RFRequency? Queries the repeat frequency.
TRACe:RPERiod <repeat_period>
Command Response/Description
TRACe:RPERiod 0.001 Sets the repeat period to 1 ms
TRACe:RPERiod? 0.001
Queries the repeat period.
Command Response/Description
TRACe:SRATe 48000.0 Sets the sample rate to 48 kHz.
TRACe:SRATe? 48000.0
Queries the sample rate.