SCPI Commands for the Digital Output
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
OUTPut:LEVel <voltage level>
This command sets the output voltage level for all 32 output bits. The output
voltage can be set to 5V, 12V, 24V or can be input from an external source. The
external input voltage source must be limited between 0V and 36V.
NOTE. The actual high voltage output will depend on the type of load placed on
the pin. Internal loading limits the output to approximately 75% of the pro-
grammed nominal values. Any additional external load placed on the pins might
limit the output further. For the load limits of the Digital Output, see Appendix
A: Specifications.
OUTPut:TRIGger:SOURce <source>
Selects when the Digital Output will generate output triggers. It can be set to
generate a trigger every sample period, segment period, or once per sequence.
Query Response
OUTPut:LEVel <voltage level> <5|12|24| EXT>
NOTE. The output trigger in the segment or sequence mode occurs just prior to
the start of the last sample and is approximately 70 nsec in width. In the trigger
out sample mode, the trigger pulse occurs approximately 3 ms after the sample
changes and is 1 ms in length.
OUTPut:LEVel <voltage level>
Command Response/Description
OUTPut:LEVel EXT Selects an external source for the output voltage.
Queries the output voltage level.
OUTPut:TRIGger:SOURce <source>
Command Response/Description
OUTP:TRIG:SOUR SEGM This outputs a trigger for each segment.
Command Description
Query Response