Can’t be used in labelled block
Means it is not possible to include the command within a labelled program block.
Saved by SV
A command that has the property of being ‘saved by SV’ means data associated with that
command is capable of being stored in non-volatile memory. The saved value will become
the default value on power-up or following a Z command.
Not Saved by SV
If the command does not change data, such as GO or STOP, the commands’ properties are
listed as ‘not saved by SV’.
Automatic Checking of Valid Commands and Parameters
All commands and parameters are checked for syntax and parameter limits at data entry.
Certain commands will only report an error on execution, for example, commands defined
within a label. If a fault is detected, that command or parameter will be ignored during
execution of the program.
For example:
1USE(2) where profile 2 has not been defined
Upon entry, this will cause a *E, cannot use an undefined profile type error report.
However, using the same command within a label:
1DECLARE(TST) ;create a label
1TST: ;begin the label code
1USE(2) ;attempt to use undefined profile – no error reported
1END ;terminate label
1GOTO(TST) :run label code TST
*E ;error reported at run-time
In this case, the same error report message is given. Note: in both cases the program will
ignore the USE(2) command, but will continue execution using values taken from