Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
set gvrp interfacemode
This command enables GVRP on a single port (Interface Config mode) or all ports (Global
Config mode).
Format set gvrp interfacemode
• Interface Config
• Global Config
no set gvrp interfacemode
This command disables GVRP on a single port (Interface Config mode) or all ports (Global
Config mode). If GVRP is disabled, Join Time, Leave Time and Leave All Time have no
Format no set gvrp interfacemode
• Interface Config
• Global Config
show gvrp configuration
This command displays Generic Attributes Registration Protocol (GARP) information for one
or all interfaces.
Format show gvrp configuration {<unit/slot/port> | all}
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Term Definition
Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes.
Join Timer
The interval between the transmission of GARP PDUs registering (or re-registering)
membership for an attribute. Current attributes are a VLAN or multicast group. There is
an instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP participant basis. Permissible values
are 10 to 100 centiseconds (0.1 to 1.0 seconds). The factory default is 20 centiseconds
(0.2 seconds). The finest granularity of specification is one centisecond (0.01 seconds).
Leave Timer
The period of time to wait after receiving an unregister request for an attribute before
deleting the attribute. Current attributes are a VLAN or multicast group. This may be
considered a buffer time for another station to assert registration for the same attribute in
order to maintain uninterrupted service. There is an instance of this timer on a per-Port,
per-GARP participant basis. Permissible values are 20 to 600 centiseconds (0.2 to 6.0
seconds). The factory default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds).