Management Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
script validate
Use this command to validate a script file by parsing each line in the script file, where
<scriptname> is the name of the script to validate.The validate option is intended to be
used as a tool for script development. Validation identifies potential problems. It might not
identify all problems with a given script on any given device.
Format script validate <scriptname>
Pre-Login Banner and System Prompt Commands
This section describes the commands you use to configure the pre-login banner and the
system prompt. The pre-login banner is the text that displays before you login at the User:
copy (pre-login banner)
Use a copy command option to upload or download the CLI Banner to or from the switch.
You can specify local URLs by using TFTP, Xmodem, Ymodem, or Zmodem.
Note: <ip6address> is also a valid parameter for routing packages that
support IPv6.
set prompt
Use this command to change the name of the prompt. The length of name may be up to 64
alphanumeric characters.
Format set prompt <prompt_string>
Privileged EXEC
Format copy <url> nvram:clibanner
copy nvram:clibanner <url>
Privileged EXEC
Privileged EXEC