Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)
ProSafe Managed Switch
received from other interested hosts that are also connected to that port, for example,
using hub.
• In immediate leave mode, when a leave is received, the switch is immediately
reconfigured not to forward a specific multicast stream to the port where a message is
received. This mode is used only for ports where only one client might be connected.
no mvr immediate
This command sets the MVR multicast VLAN to the default value.
mvr type
This command sets the MVR port type. When a port is set as source, it is the port to which the
multicast traffic flows using the multicast VLAN. When a port is set to receiver, it is the port where
a listening host is connected to the switch.
no mvr type
Use this command to set the MVR port type to none.
mvr vlan group
Use this command to include the port in the specific MVR group. <mVLAN> is the multicast
VLAN, and <A.B.C.D> is the IP multicast group
Format mvr immediate
Mode Interface Config
Default Disabled
Format no mvr immediate
Mode Interface Config
Format mvr type { receiver|source }
Mode Interface Config
Default none
Format no mvr type
Mode Interface Config
Format mvr vlan <mVLAN> group <A.B.C.D>
Mode Interface Config