IPv6 Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
ipv6 nd router-preference
Format no ipv6 router-preference
This command will set the router preference to default.
ipv6 unreachables
Use this command to enable the generation of ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable messages.
By default, the generation of ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable messages is enabled.
Format ipv6 unreachables
no ipv6 unreachables
Use this command to prevent the generation of ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable messages.
Format no ipv6 unreachables
ipv6 icmp error-interval
Use this command to limit the rate at which ICMPv6 error messages are sent. The rate limit is
configured as a token bucket, with two configurable parameters, burst-size and burst-interval.
The burst-interval specifies how often the token bucket is initialized with burst-size tokens.
burst-interval is from 0 to 2147483647 milliseconds (msec).
The burst-size is the number of ICMPv6 error messages that can be sent during one
burst-interval. The range is from 1 to 200 messages.
To disable ICMP rate limiting, set burst-interval to zero (0).
• burst-interval of 1000 msec.
• burst-size of 100 messages
Format ipv6 icmp error-interval <burst-interval> [<burst-size>]
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Global Config