IGMP Admin
IP Multicast Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
show ip igmp groups
This command displays the registered multicast groups on the interface. If [detail] is
specified this command displays the registered multicast groups on the interface in detail.
Format show ip igmp groups <unit/slot/port> [detail]
If you do not use the detail keyword, the following fields appear:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Interface Mode
The following fields are not displayed if the interface is not enabled:
Querier Status
If you use the detail keyword, the following fields appear:
Term Definition
The administrative status of IGMP. This is a configured value.
Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes.
Indicates whether IGMP is enabled or disabled on the interface. This is a configured
The current state of IGMP on this interface. Possible values are Operational or
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
The IP address of the interface participating in the multicast group.
The subnet mask of the interface participating in the multicast group.
This displays whether IGMP is enabled or disabled on this interface.
Term Definition
This displays whether the interface has IGMP in Querier mode or Non-Querier mode.
The list of multicast groups that are registered on this interface.
Term Definition
Multicast IP
The IP address of the registered multicast group on this interface.
Last Reporter
The IP address of the source of the last membership report received for the specified
multicast group address on this interface.
Up Time
The time elapsed since the entry was created for the specified multicast group address
on this interface.
Expiry Time
The amount of time remaining to remove this entry before it is aged out.