Routing Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
show ip route
This command displays the routing table. The <ip-address> specifies the network for
which the route is to be displayed and displays the best matching best-route for the address.
The <mask> specifies the subnet mask for the given <ip-address>. When you use the
longer-prefixes keyword, the <ip-address> and <mask> pair becomes the prefix, and
the command displays the routes to the addresses that match that prefix. Use the
<protocol> parameter to specify the protocol that installed the routes. The value for
<protocol> can be connected, ospf, rip, or static. Use the all parameter to display
all routes including best and non-best routes. If you do not use the all parameter, the
command only displays the best route.
Always Whether default advertisement depends on having a default route in the common routing
Metric The metric configured to be advertised with the default route
Metric Type The metric type for the default route
Redist Source A type of routes that OSPF is redistributing
Metric The metric to advertise for redistributed routes of this type
Metric Type The metric type to advertise for redistributed routes of this type
Subnets Whether OSPF redistributes subnets of classful addresses, or only classful prefixes
Dist List A distribute list used to filter routes of this type. Only routes that pass the distribute list are
Number of Active
The number of OSPF areas with at least one interface running on this router. Also broken
down by area type
ABR Status Whether the router is currently an area border router. A router is an area border router if it has
interfaces that are up in more than one area
ASBR Status Whether the router is an autonomous system boundary router. The router is an ASBR if it is
redistributing any routes or originating a default route
Split Horizon Mode Whether RIP advertises routes on the interface where they were received
Default Metric The metric assigned to redistributed routes
Default Route
Whether this router is originating a default route
Distance The administrative distance for RIP routes
Redistribution A table showing information for each source protocol (connected, static, bgp, and ospf). For
each of these source the distribution list and metric are shown. Fields which are not
configured are left blank. For ospf, configured ospf match parameters are also shown
Interface The interfaces where RIP is enabled and the version sent and accepted on each interface
Parameter Description