Management Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(Switch) #show radius statistics
RADIUS Server Name............................ Default_RADIUS_Server
Server Host Address...........................
Access Requests............................... 0.00
Access Retransmissions........................ 0
Access Accepts................................ 0
Access Rejects................................ 0
Access Challenges............................. 0
Malformed Access Responses.................... 0
Bad Authenticators............................ 0
Pending Requests.............................. 0
Timeouts...................................... 0
Unknown Types................................. 0
Packets Dropped............................... 0
(Switch) #show radius statistics name Default_RADIUS_Server
RADIUS Server Name............................ Default_RADIUS_Server
Server Host Address...........................
Access Requests............................... 0.00
Access Retransmissions........................ 0
Access Accepts................................ 0
Access Rejects................................ 0
Access Challenges............................. 0
Malformed Access Responses.................... 0
Bad Authenticators............................ 0
Pending Requests.............................. 0
Timeouts...................................... 0
Unknown Types................................. 0
Packets Dropped............................... 0
TACACS+ Commands
TACACS+ provides access control for networked devices via one or more centralized
servers. Similar to RADIUS, this protocol simplifies authentication by making use of a single
database that can be shared by many clients on a large network. TACACS+ is based on the
TACACS protocol (described in RFC1492) but additionally provides for separate
authentication, authorization, and accounting services. The original protocol was UDP based
with messages passed in clear text over the network; TACACS+ uses TCP to ensure reliable
The number of authentication timeouts to this server.
Unknown Types
The number of packets of unknown type that were received from this server on the
authentication port.
Packets Dropped
The number of RADIUS packets received from this server on the authentication
port and dropped for some other reason.
Term Definition