Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
Use the all keyword to display the per-port configuration parameters for all interfaces, or
specify the unit/slot/port to display information about a specific interface.
Format show storm-control [all | <unit/slot/port>]
Bcast Mode
Bcast Level
Mcast Mode
Mcast Level
Ucast Mode
Ucast Level
Flow Control Commands
In 802.3x flow control, the MAC control PAUSE operation is specified in IEEE 802.3 Annex 31
B. It allows traffic from one device to be throttled for a specified period of time and is defined
for devices that are directly connected. A device that needs to inhibit transmission of data
frames from another device on the LAN transmits a PAUSE frame as defined in the IEEE
This feature allows the user to configure the switch to use symmetric, asymmetric, or no flow
control. Asymmetric flow control allows the switch to respond to received PAUSE frames, but
the port cannot generate PAUSE frames. Symmetric flow control allows the switch to both
respond to and generate MAC control PAUSE frames.
flowcontrol {symmetric|asymmetric}
Use this command to enable or disable the symmetric or asymmetric flow control on the
switch. Use the no form of command to disable the symmetric or asymmetric flow control.
Asymmetric here means that Tx Pause can never be enabled. Only Rx Pause can be
Format flowcontrol {symmetric|asymmetric}
• Global Config
• Interface Config
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
Shows whether the broadcast storm control mode is enabled or disabled. The factory
default is disabled.
The broadcast storm control level.
Shows whether the multicast storm control mode is enabled or disabled.
The multicast storm control level.
Shows whether the Unknown Unicast or DLF (Destination Lookup Failure) storm control
mode is enabled or disabled.
The Unknown Unicast or DLF (Destination Lookup Failure) storm control level.