Management Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
delivery and a shared key configured on the client and daemon server to encrypt all
debug tacacs packet
Use the debug tacacs packet command to turn on TACACS+ packet debug.
Format debug tacacs packet [receive | transmit]
no debug tacacs packet
Use this command to turn off TACACS+ packet debug.
Format no debug tacacs packet
tacacs-server host
Use the tacacs-server host command in Global Configuration mode to configure a
TACACS+ server. This command enters into the TACACS+ configuration mode. The
<ip-address|hostname> parameter is the IP address or hostname of the TACACS+
server. To specify multiple hosts, multiple
tacacs-server host commands can be used.
Format tacacs-server host <ip-address|hostname>
no tacacs-server host
Use the no tacacs-server host command to delete the specified hostname or IP
address. The <ip-address|hostname> parameter is the IP address of the TACACS+
Format no tacacs-server host <ip-address|hostname>
tacacs-server key
Use the tacacs-server key command to set the authentication and encryption key for all
TACACS+ communications between the switch and the TACACS+ daemon. The
<key-string> parameter has a range of 0 - 128 characters and specifies the
authentication and encryption key for all TACACS communications between the switch and
the TACACS+ server. This key must match the key used on the TACACS+ daemon.
Text-based configuration supports TACACS server’s secrets in encrypted and non-encrypted
format. When you save the configuration, these secret keys are stored in encrypted format
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config