Power over Ethernet (PoE) Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
Intf Power Power Class Power Current Voltage Status Fault
(W) (W) (mA) (volt) Status
------ ------- ----- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------------------ ---------------
1/0/33 No 18.0 2 04.400 84 53.3 Delivering Power No Error
show poe pd
Use this command to get information about the PD ports. You can display information based on
each individual port or all the PD ports collectively.
Note: Only the GSM5212P supports this command.
• 1-event—PSE detects the PD in 1-event mode (802.1f)
• 2-event—PSE detects the PD in 2-event mode (802.1at)
• LLDP—PSE detects the PD in LLDP mode (802.1at)
• Powered—Receiving power from PSE
• Off—No power from the PSE (when main AC is in used)
(switch) #show poe pd all
Intf Mode Class Detection Mode Status
---- ----- --------- ---------------- ----------
0/1 PD class 4 2-event powered
0/2 PD class 4 LLDP powered
Format show poe pd [<port> | all]
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
Intf Show the PD device interface number, only 0/1 or 0/2 on the GSM5212P.
In other devices, the table is empty. If <port-id> is not specified, all PD
ports are displayed.
Mode Displays the port POE role and is always PD.
Class Displays the POE class.
Detection Mode PD detection mode when getting power from the PSE:
Status Shows whether the port 0/1 or 0/2 is providing power: