Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
If the you specify cost, this command sets the path cost for this port within a multiple
spanning tree instance or the common and internal spanning tree instance, depending on the
<mstid> parameter, to the default value, i.e. a path cost value based on the Link Speed.
If you specify external-cost, this command sets the external path cost for this port for mst ‘0’
instance, to the default value, i.e. a path cost value based on the Link Speed.
If you specify port-priority, this command sets the priority for this port within a specific
multiple spanning tree instance or the common and internal spanning tree instance,
depending on the <mstid> parameter, to the default value.
Format no spanning-tree mst <mstid> <cost | external-cost | port-priority>
spanning-tree mst instance
This command adds a multiple spanning tree instance to the switch. The parameter <mstid>
is a number within a range of 1 to 4094, that corresponds to the new instance ID to be added.
The maximum number of multiple instances supported by the switch is 4.
Format spanning-tree mst instance <mstid>
no spanning-tree mst instance
This command removes a multiple spanning tree instance from the switch and reallocates all
VLANs allocated to the deleted instance to the common and internal spanning tree. The
parameter <mstid> is a number that corresponds to the desired existing multiple spanning
tree instance to be removed.
Format no spanning-tree mst instance <mstid>
spanning-tree mst priority
This command sets the bridge priority for a specific multiple spanning tree instance. The
parameter <mstid> is a number that corresponds to the desired existing multiple spanning
tree instance. The priority value is a number within a range of 0 to 61440 in increments of
If you specify 0 (defined as the default CIST ID) as the <mstid>, this command sets the
Bridge Priority parameter to a new value for the common and internal spanning tree. The
bridge priority value is a number within a range of 0 to 61440. The twelve least significant bits
Interface Config
Global Config
Global Config