IPv6 Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
ipv6 address autoconfig
This command is used to enable stateless address autoconfiguration capability.
Note: When unicast-routing is enabled, autoconfig mode doesn’t work.
Format ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 address autoconfig
This command disables the stateless autoconfiguration.
Format no ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 address dhcp
This command is used to enable DHCPv6 client capability.
Format ipv6 address autoconfig
no pv6 address dhcp
The "no" form of this command disables the DHCPv6 client capability.
Format no ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 route
Use this command to configure an IPv6 static route. The <ipv6-prefix> is the IPv6
network that is the destination of the static route. The <prefix_length> is the length of the
IPv6 prefix — a decimal value (usually 0-64) that shows how many of the high-order
contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (the network portion of the address). A
slash mark must precede the <prefix_length>. The <next-hop-address> is the IPv6
address of the next hop that can be used to reach the specified network. Specifying Null0
as nexthop parameter adds a static reject route. The <preference> parameter is a value
the router uses to compare this route with routes from other route sources that have the same
destination. The range for <preference> is 1 - 255, and the default value is 1. You can
specify a <unit/slot/port> or tunnel <tunnel_id> interface to identify direct static
routes from point-to-point and broadcast interfaces. The interface must be specified when
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config