Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
LAN interface from its forwarding table entry upon receiving an IGMP leave message for that
multicast group without first sending out MAC-based general queries to the interface.
You should enable fast-leave admin mode only on VLANs where only one host is connected
to each layer 2 LAN port. This prevents the inadvertent dropping of the other hosts that were
connected to the same layer 2 LAN port but were still interested in receiving multicast traffic
directed to that group. Also, fast-leave processing is supported only with IGMP version 2
Format set igmp fast-leave
Format set igmp fast-leave
no set igmp fast-leave
This command disables IGMP Snooping fast-leave admin mode on a selected interface.
Format no set igmp fast-leave
Format no set igmp fast-leave
set igmp groupmembership-interval
This command sets the IGMP Group Membership Interval time on a VLAN, one interface or
all interfaces. The Group Membership Interval time is the amount of time in seconds that a
switch waits for a report from a particular group on a particular interface before deleting the
interface from the entry. This value must be greater than the IGMPv3 Maximum Response
time value. The range is 2 to 3600 seconds.
Format set igmp groupmembership-interval <2-3600>
• Interface Config
• Global Config
Format set igmp groupmembership-interval <vlan_id> <2-3600>
Interface Config
VLAN Config
Interface Config
VLAN Config
260 seconds
VLAN Config