Log Messages
ProSafe Managed Switch
Routing/IPv6 Routing
Table 38. DiffServ Log Messages
Component Message Cause
diffserv.c 165: diffServRestore Failed to
reset DiffServ. Recommend resetting
While attempting to clear the running
configuration an error was encountered in
removing the current settings. This may
lead to an inconsistent state in the system
and resetting is advised.
Policy invalid for service intf: "policy name,
intIfNum x, direction y
The DiffServ policy definition is not
compatible with the capabilities of the
interface specified. Check the platform
release notes for information on
configuration limitations.
Table 39. DHCP Relay Log Messages
Component Message Cause
DHCP relay
REQUEST hops field more than config
The DHCP relay agent has processed a
DHCP request whose HOPS field is larger
than the maximum value allowed. The relay
agent will not forward a message with a
hop count greater than 4.
DHCP relay
Request's seconds field less than the
config value
The DHCP relay agent has processed a
DHCP request whose SECS field is larger
than the configured minimum wait time
DHCP relay
processDhcpPacket: invalid DHCP packet
type: %u\n
The DHCP relay agent has processed an
invalid DHCP packet. Such packets are
discarded by the relay agent.
Table 40. OSPFv2 Log Messages
Component Message Cause
Best route client deregistration failed for
OSPF Redist
OSPFv2 registers with the IPv4 routing
table manager (“RTO”) to be notified of best
route changes. There are cases where
OSPFv2 deregisters more than once,
causing the second deregistration to fail.
The failure is harmless.
XX_Call() failure in _checkTimers for
thread 0x869bcc0
An OSPFv2 timer has fired but the
message queue that holds the event has
filled up. This is normally a fatal error.