Utility Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
<url> nvram:script
<destfilename> noval
When you use this option, the copy command will not
validate the downloaded script file. An example of the
CLI command follows:
(NETGEAR Switch) #copy tftp://
nvram:script file.scr
<url> nvram:sshkey-dsa Downloads an SSH key file. For more information, see
Secure Shell (SSH) Commands on page 648.
<url> nvram:sshkey-rsa1 Downloads an SSH key file.
<url> nvram:sshkey-rsa2 Downloads an SSH key file.
<url> nvram:sslpem-dhweak Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:sslpem-dhstrong Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:sslpem-root Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate. For
more information, see Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) Commands on page 652.
<url> nvram:sslpem-server Downloads an HTTP secure-server certificate.
<url> nvram:startup-config Downloads the startup configuration file to the system.
<url> nvram:system-image Downloads a code image to the system.
<url> nvram:license-key Download the license date to the system.
<url> ias-users Downloads IAS users file by sftp, scp or tftp
<url> {image1 | image2} Download an image from the remote server to either
image. In a stacking environment, the downloaded
image is distributed to the stack nodes.
{image1 | image2} <url> Upload either image to the remote server.
image1 image2 Copy image1 to image2.
image2 image1 Copy image2 to image1.
{image1 | image2} unit://<unit>/{image1 |
Copy an image from the management node to a given
node in a Stack. Use the unit parameter to specify the
node to which the image should be copied.
{image1 | image2} unit://*/{image1 |
Copy an image from the management node to all of
the nodes in a Stack.
Source Destination Description