Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
no ip dhcp snooping log-invalid
Use this command to disable the logging DHCP messages filtration by the DHCP Snooping
Format no ip dhcp snooping log-invalid
ip dhcp snooping trust
Use this command to configure the port as trusted.
Format ip dhcp snooping trust
no ip dhcp snooping trust
Use this command to configure the port as untrusted.
Format no ip dhcp snooping trust
ip verify source
Use this command to configure the IPSG source ID attribute to filter the data traffic in the
hardware. Source ID is the combination of IP address and MAC address. Normal command
allows data traffic filtration based on the IP address. With the “port-security” option, the data
traffic will be filtered based on the IP and MAC addresses.
Default the source ID is the IP address
Format ip verify source {port-security}
no ip verify source
Use this command to disable the IPSG configuration in the hardware. You cannot disable
port-security alone if it is configured.
Format no ip verify source
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config