IPv6 Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
show ipv6 ospf virtual-link
This command displays the OSPF Virtual Interface information for a specific area and
neighbor. The <areaid> parameter identifies the area and the <neighbor> parameter
identifies the neighbor’s Router ID.
Format show ipv6 ospf virtual-link <areaid> <neighbor>
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
show ipv6 ospf virtual-link brief
This command displays the OSPFV3 Virtual Interface information for all areas in the system.
Format show ipv6 ospf virtual-link brief
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Term Definition
Area ID
The area id of the requested OSPF area.
Router ID
The input neighbor Router ID.
Hello Interval
The configured hello interval for the OSPF virtual interface.
Dead Interval
The configured dead interval for the OSPF virtual interface.
Iftransit Delay
The configured transit delay for the OSPF virtual interface.
The configured retransmit interval for the OSPF virtual interface.
The type of authentication the interface performs on LSAs it receives.
The OSPF Interface States are: down, loopback, waiting, point-to-point, designated
router, and backup designated router. This is the state of the OSPF interface.
Neighbor State
The neighbor state.
Term Definition
Area ID
The area id of the requested OSPFV3 area.
The neighbor interface of the OSPFV3 virtual interface.
Hello Interval
The configured hello interval for the OSPFV3 virtual interface.
Dead Interval
The configured dead interval for the OSPFV3 virtual interface.