
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
positions that are not used. In contrast, a wildcard mask has (0’s) in a bit position that
must be checked. A ‘1’ in a bit position of the ACL mask indicates the corresponding bit
can be ignored.
This command creates an IP Access Control List (ACL) that is identified by the access list
number, which is 1-99 for standard ACLs or 100-199 for extended ACLs.
IP Standard ACL:
Format access-list <1-99> {deny | permit} {every | <srcip> <srcmask>} [log]
[rate-limit <1-4294967295> <1-128>][assign-queue <queue-id>]
[{mirror | redirect} <unit/slot/port>]
IP Extended ACL:
Format access-list <100-199> {deny | permit} {every | {{icmp | igmp | ip |
tcp | udp | <number>} <srcip> <srcmask>[{eq {<portkey> | <0-65535>}
<dstip> <dstmask> [{eq {<portkey>| <0-65535>}] [precedence
<precedence> | tos <tos> <tosmask> | dscp <dscp>] [log] [rate-limit
<1-4294967295> <1-128>] [assign-queue <queue-id>] [{mirror |
redirect} <unit/slot/port>]
Global Config
Global Config
Parameter Description
<1-99> or <100-199>
Range 1 to 99 is the access list number for an IP standard ACL.
Range 100 to 199 is the access list number for an IP extended ACL.
{deny | permit}
Specifies whether the IP ACL rule permits or denies an action.
Match every packet
{icmp | igmp | ip | tcp | udp
| <number>}
Specifies the protocol to filter for an extended IP ACL rule.
<srcip> <srcmask>
Specifies a source IP address and source netmask for match
condition of the IP ACL rule.
[{eq {<portkey> |
Specifies the source layer 4 port match condition for the IP ACL rule.
You can use the port number, which ranges from 0-65535, or you
specify the <portkey>, which can be one of the following
keywords: domain, echo, ftp, ftpdata, http, smtp,
snmp, telnet, tftp, and www-http. Each of these keywords
translates into its equivalent port number, which is used as both the
start and end of a port range.
<dstip> <dstmask>
Specifies a destination IP address and netmask for match condition
of the IP ACL rule.