IPv6 Multicast Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
Example: The following shows examples of CLI display output for the commands.
(Switch) #show ipv6 mld groups ?
<group-address> Enter Group Address Info.
<unit/slot/port> Enter interface in unit/slot/port format.
(Switch) #show ipv6 mld groups 1/0/1
Group Address.................................. FF43::3
Interface...................................... 1/0/1
Up Time (hh:mm:ss)............................. 00:03:04
Expiry Time (hh:mm:ss)......................... ------
(Switch) #show ipv6 mld groups ff43::3
Interface...................................... 1/0/1
Group Address.................................. FF43::3
Last Reporter.................................. FE80::200:FF:FE00:3
Up Time (hh:mm:ss)............................. 00:02:53
Expiry Time (hh:mm:ss)......................... ------
Filter Mode.................................... Include
Version1 Host Timer............................ ------
Group compat mode.............................. v2
Source Address ExpiryTime
----------------- -----------
2003::10 00:04:17
2003::20 00:04:17
show ipv6 mld interface
Use this command to display MLD-related information for the interface.
Format show ipv6 mld interface [<unit/slot/port>]
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
The following information is displayed for each of the interfaces or for only the specified
Field Description
The interface number in unit/slot/port format.
MLD Global
Displays the configured administrative status of MLD.
The operational status of MLD on the interface.
MLD Version
Indicates the version of MLD configured on the interface.
Query Interval
Indicates the configured query interval for the interface.