Stacking Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
Stack Firmware Synchronization Commands
Stack firmware synchronization provides an automatic mechanism to synchronize the
firmware on stack members whose firmware version differs from the version running on the
stack manager. This operation can result in either an upgrade or downgrade of firmware on
the mismatched stack member. However, this operation does not attempt to synchronize the
stack to the latest firmware in the stack.
During firmware transfer and upgrade, operations such as code download and move
management can result in undesirable behavior, such as firmware corruption on a code
mismatched stack member. As a result, you receive an error if you try to access the following
operations from the user interface during stack firmware synchronization:
• Move management
• Unit renumbering
• Code download
• Delete image
• Update bootcode
• Clear config
A reboot operation is allowed during stack firmware synchronization.
If the firmware is corrupted during stack firmware synchronization, manual intervention by the
administrator is required to restore the switch to working condition.
During stack firmware synchronization, traps are generated on start, completion, or failure.
• Non-deterministic upgrade behavior
On bootup, the image that gets synchronized depends on the one that becomes the
manager. Which code version the new stack synchronizes to is fully deterministic, but
might not be obvious to the user as it depends entirely on which unit becomes the
manager. This might be decided by a MAC address comparison. If the administrator
wants a particular version to be used by the stack, he should first ensure that this
particular unit becomes stack manager.
• Bootcode Upgrades
Bootcode upgrades are not initiated by the stack firmware synchronization.
boot auto-copy-sw
This command enables or disables stack firmware synchronization.
Default Disabled
Format boot auto-copy-sw
Mode Privileged EXEC