IPv6 Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
show ipv6 ospf abr
This command displays the internal OSPFv3 routes to reach Area Border Routers (ABR).
This command takes no options.
Format show ipv6 ospf abr
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
show ipv6 ospf area
This command displays information about the area. The <areaid> identifies the OSPF area
that is being displayed.
Format show ipv6 ospf area <areaid>
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Term Definition
The type of the route to the destination. It can be either:
• intra — Intra-area route
• inter — Inter-area route
Router ID
Router ID of the destination.
Cost of using this route.
Area ID
The area ID of the area from which this route is learned.
Next Hop
Next hop toward the destination.
Next Hop Intf
The outgoing router interface to use when forwarding traffic to the next hop.
Term Definition
The area id of the requested OSPF area.
A number representing the external routing capabilities for this area.
Spf Runs
The number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area's
link-state database.
Area Border
Router Count
The total number of area border routers reachable within this area.
Area LSA Count
Total number of link-state advertisements in this area's link-state database, excluding AS
External LSAs.
Area LSA
A number representing the Area LSA Checksum for the specified AreaID excluding the
external (LS type 5) link-state advertisements.