IP Multicast Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
show ip mcast mroute source
This command displays the multicast configuration settings such as flags, timer settings,
incoming and outgoing interfaces, RPF neighboring routers, and expiration times of all the
entries in the multicast mroute table containing the given source IP address or source IP
address and group IP address pair.
Format show ip mcast mroute source <sourceipaddr> {summary | detail}
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
If you use the detail parameter, the command displays the following column headings in
the output table:
Source IP
Group IP
Expiry Time
Up Time
RPF Neighbor
If you use the summary parameter, the command displays the following column headings in
the output table:
Source IP
Group IP
Interface List
DVMRP Commands
This section provides a detailed explanation of the Distance Vector Multicast Routing
Protocol (DVMRP) commands.
Term Definition
The IP address of the multicast data source.
The IP address of the destination of the multicast packet.
The time of expiry of this entry in seconds.
The time elapsed since the entry was created in seconds.
The IP address of the RPF neighbor.
The flags associated with this entry.
Term Definition
The IP address of the multicast data source.
The IP address of the destination of the multicast packet.
The multicast routing protocol by which this entry was created.
The interface on which the packet for this source arrives.
The list of outgoing interfaces on which this packet is forwarded.