Utility Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
logging email message-type subject
This command configures the subject line of the email for the specified type.
Default For urgent messages: Urgent Log Messages
For non-urgent messages: Non Urgent Log Messages
Format logging email message-type {urgent |non-urgent |both} subject
no logging email message-type subject
This command removes the configured email subject for the specified message type and
restores it to the default email subject.
Format no logging email message-type {urgent |non-urgent |both} subject
logging email logtime
This command configures how frequently non-urgent email messages are sent. Non-urgent
messages are collected and sent in a batch email at the specified interval. The valid range is
every 30- 1440 minutes.
Format logging email logtime <minutes>
no logging email logtime
This command resets the non-urgent log time to the default value.
Format no logging email logtime
logging traps
This command sets the severity at which SNMP traps are logged and sent in an email.
Specify the severitylevel value as either an integer from 0 to 7 or symbolically through one of
the following keywords: emergency (0), alert (1), critical (2), error (3), warning (4),
notice (5), info (6), or debug (7).
Format logging traps <severitylevel>
Global Config
Global Config
30 minutes
Global Config
Global Config
Info (6) messages and higher are logged.
Global Config