IPv6 Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
ipv6 dhcp server
Use this command to configure DHCPv6 server functionality on an interface. The
<pool-name> is the DHCPv6 pool containing stateless and/or prefix delegation parameters,
rapid-commit is an option that allows for an abbreviated exchange between the client and
server, and <pref-value> is a value used by clients to determine preference between
multiple DHCPv6 servers. For a particular interface DHCPv6 server and DHCPv6 relay
functions are mutually exclusive.
Format ipv6 dhcp server <pool-name> [rapid-commit] [preference <pref-value>]
ipv6 dhcp relay destination
Use this command to configure an interface for DHCPv6 relay functionality. Use the
destination keyword to set the relay server IPv6 address. The <relay-address>
parameter is an IPv6 address of a DHCPv6 relay server. Use the interface keyword to set
the relay server interface. The <relay-interface> parameter is an interface
(unit/slot/port) to reach a relay server. The optional remote-id is the Relay Agent
Information Option “remote ID” sub-option to be added to relayed messages. This can either
be the special keyword duid-ifid, which causes the “remote ID” to be derived from the
DHCPv6 server DUID and the relay interface number, or it can be specified as a user-defined
Note: If <relay-address> is an IPv6 global address, then <relay-interface>
is not required. If <relay-address> is a link-local or multicast
address, then <relay-interface> is required. Finally, if you do not
specify a value for <relay-address>, then you must specify a value
for <relay-interface> and the DHCPV6-ALL-AGENTS multicast
address (i.e.
FF02::1:2) is used to relay DHCPv6 messages to the
relay server.
ipv6 dhcp pool
Use this command from Global Config mode to enter IPv6 DHCP Pool Config mode. Use the
exit command to return to Global Config mode. To return to the User EXEC mode, enter
CTRL+Z. The <pool-name> should be less than 31 alpha-numeric characters. DHCPv6
pools are used to specify information for DHCPv6 server to distribute to DHCPv6 clients.
Interface Config
Format ipv6 dhcp relay {destination [<relay-address>] interface
[<relay-interface>]| interface [<relay-interface>]} [remote-id
(duid-ifid | <user-defined-string>)]
Interface Config