IP Multicast Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
no ip pim sparse(Global Config)
This command is used to administratively disable PIM-SM multicast routing mode on the
Format no ip pim sparse
ip pim bsr-border
Use this command to prevent bootstrap router (BSR) messages from being sent or received
through an interface.
Format ip pim bsr-border
no ip pim bsr-border
Use this command to disable the interface from being the BSR border.
Format no ip pim bsr-border
ip pim bsr-candidate
This command is used to configure the router to announce its candidacy as a bootstrap
router (BSR).
Format ip pim bsr-candidate interface [vlan | <unit/slot/port>] <hash-mask
length> <bsr-priority> [interval <interval>]
Global Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Global Config
Parameters Description
Length of a mask (32 bits maximum) that is to be ANDed with the group address before
the hash function is called. All groups with the same seed hash correspond to the same
RP. For example, if this value was 24, only the first 24 bits of the group addresses matter.
This allows you to get one RP for multiple groups.
Priority of the candidate BSR. The range is an integer from 0 to 255. The BSR with the
larger priority is preferred. If the priority values are the same, the router with the larger IP
address is the BSR. The default value is 0.
The C-BSR advertisement interval. If the interval values are reduced from the default
value of 60 seconds, there could be issues in the network (especially BSR) due to
flooding of these packets. However, it will provide RP fast failover.