Switching Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
permit ip host mac host
Use this command to configure a rule for a valid IP address and MAC address combination
used in ARP packet validation.
Format permit ip host sender-ip mac host sender-mac
no permit ip host mac host
Use this command to delete a rule for a valid IP and MAC combination.
Format no permit ip host sender-ip mac host sender-mac
show ip arp inspection
Use this command to display the Dynamic ARP Inspection global configuration and
configuration on all the VLANs. With the vlan-list argument (i.e. comma separated VLAN
ranges), the command displays the global configuration and configuration on all the VLANs in
the given VLAN list. The global configuration includes the source mac validation,
destination mac validation and invalid IP validation information.
Format show ip arp inspection [vlan <vlan-list>]
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Example: The following shows example CLI display output for the command.
(Switch) #show ip arp inspection vlan 10-12
ARP Access-list Config
ARP Access-list Config
Term Definition
Source MAC
Displays whether Source MAC Validation of ARP frame is enabled or disabled.
MAC Validation
Displays whether Destination MAC Validation is enabled or disabled.
IP Address
Displays whether IP Address Validation is enabled or disabled.
The VLAN ID for each displayed row.
Displays whether DAI is enabled or disabled on the VLAN.
Log Invalid
Displays whether logging of invalid ARP packets is enabled on the VLAN.
ACL Name
The ARP ACL Name, if configured on the VLAN.
Static Flag
If the ARP ACL is configured static on the VLAN.