User Guide
Drawing paths by plotting points
One way to draw and edit vector objects in Fireworks is to plot points as if drawing a connect-the-dots picture.
When you click each point with the Pen tool, Fireworks automatically draws the path of the vector object from the
last point you clicked.
In addition to connecting the points with only straight segments, the Pen tool can draw smooth, mathematically
derived curve segments known as Bezier curves. Each point’s type—corner point or curve point—determines
whether the adjacent curves are straight lines or curves.
You can modify straight and curved path segments by dragging their points. You can further modify curved path
segments by dragging their point handles. You can also convert straight path segments to curved (and vice versa) by
converting their points.
Drawing straight path segments
Drawing straight line segments with the Pen tool is a simple matter of clicking to place the points. Each click with
the Pen tool plots a corner point.
To draw a path with straight line segments:
Select the Pen tool in the Tools panel.
2 If desired, select Edit > Preferences and enable any of the following options on the Editing tab of the Preferences
dialog box, then click OK:
Show Pen Preview previews the line segment that would result from the next click.
Show Solid Points shows solid points while you draw.
Note: On Mac OS X, select Fireworks > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.
3 Click on the canvas to place the first corner point.
4 Move the pointer and click to place the next point. A straight line segment joins the two points.
5 Continue plotting points. Straight segments bridge each gap between points.
6 Do one of the following to end the path, either open or closed:
• Double-click the last point to end the path as an open path.
• Select another tool to end the path as an open path.
Note: When you select any selection tool or vector tool other than the Text tool and then return to the Pen tool,
Fireworks resumes drawing the object at your next click.