User Guide
Painting bitmap objects
You can use the Brush tool to paint a brush stroke using the color in the Stroke Color box, or you can use the Paint
Bucket tool to change the color of selected pixels to the color in the Fill Color box. With the Gradient tool, you can
fill bitmap or vector objects with a combination of colors in adjustable patterns.
To paint an object with the Brush tool:
Select the Brush tool.
2 Set the stroke attributes in the Property inspector.
3 Drag to paint.
For more information about setting Brush tool options, see “Working with strokes” on page 136.
To change the color of pixels to the color in the Fill Color box:
1 Select the Paint Bucket tool.
2 Select a color in the Fill Color box.
3 Set the tolerance value in the Property inspector.
Note: The tolerance determines how similar in color pixels must be to be filled. A low tolerance value fills pixels with
color values similar to the pixel you click. A high tolerance fills pixels with a broader range of color values.
4 Click the image.
All pixels within the tolerance range change to the fill color.
To apply a gradient fill to a pixel selection:
1 Make the selection.
2 Click the Paint Bucket tool in the Tools panel and select the Gradient tool from the pop-up menu.
3 Set the fill attributes in the Property inspector.
4 Click the pixel selection to apply the fill.
The Paint Bucket and Gradient tools can also fill selected vector objects. For more information about creating,
applying, and editing gradient fills, see “Working with fills” on page 140.
Sampling a color to use as a stroke or fill color
With the Eyedropper tool, you can sample color from an image to designate a new stroke or fill color. You can
sample the color of a single pixel, an average of color values within a 3-by-3-pixel area, or an average of color values
within a 5-by-5-pixel area.
To sample a stroke or fill color:
If the correct attribute is not already active, do one of the following:
• Click the stroke icon next to the Stroke Color box in the Tools panel to make it the active attribute.
• Click the fill icon next to the Fill Color box in the Tools panel to make it the active attribute.
Note: Do not click the color box itself. If you do, the eyedropper pointer that appears is not the Eyedropper tool. For infor-
mation on the color box eyedropper pointer, see “Sampling colors from a color pop-up window” on page 136.