User Guide
The Import Fireworks Document dialog box appears.
Do one of the following:
a Select the Import as a Single, Flattened Bitmap option if you want to import the file as a single bitmap image and
lose all editability. If the PNG has multiple pages, only the first page is imported.
Note: If this option is selected, none of the other options in the dialog box are available.
b Select an import option from the two pop-up menus:
Import all pages into new frames as movie clips Imports all of the pages in the PNG file into a new Flash layer that
takes the name of the PNG file. A keyframe is created in the new layer at the current frame’s location, the first page
of the PNG file is placed as a movie clip in this frame, and all the other pages are placed in frames following it as
movie clips. The layer hierarchy and frames within the PNG file are preserved.
Import Page 1 into current frame as movie clip The contents of the selected page are imported as a movie clip, which
is placed in the active frame and layer in the Flash file. The layer hierarchy and frames within the PNG file are
Import all pages into new scenes as movie clips Imports all of the pages from the PNG file and maps each one to a
new scene as movie clips. Any layers and frames within the pages are preserved. If scenes already exist in the Flash
file, the import process adds the new scenes after the existing ones.
Import Page 1 into new layer The selected page is imported as new layer. Frames are imported into the timeline as
separate frames.
6 Select the way you’d like vector objects imported:
Import as bitmaps to maintain appearance preserves the editability of vector objects, unless they have special fills,
strokes, or effects that Flash does not support. To preserve the appearance of such objects, Flash converts them to
non-editable bitmap images.
Import as editable paths preserves the editability of all vector objects. If objects have special fills, strokes, or effects
that Flash does not support, those properties are either lost or converted to their Flash equivalents, which may not
look the same.
7 Select the way you’d like text imported:
Import as bitmaps to maintain appearance preserves the editability of text, unless it has special fills, strokes, or
effects that Flash does not support. To preserve the appearance of such text, Flash converts it to a non-editable
bitmap image.