User Guide
• The Behaviors panel allows you to create more complex interactivity. The Behaviors panel contains a variety of
interactive behaviors you can attach to slices. By attaching multiple behaviors to a single slice, you can create
interesting effects. You can also select from a variety of mouse events that trigger interactive behaviors.
Behaviors in Fireworks are compatible with Dreamweaver behaviors. When you export a Fireworks rollover to
Dreamweaver, you can edit Fireworks behaviors using the Dreamweaver Behaviors panel.
Adding simple interactivity to slices
The drag-and-drop rollover method is a fast and efficient way to create rollover and swap-image effects.
Specifically, the drag-and-drop rollover method allows you to determine what happens to a slice when the pointer
passes over it. The end result is commonly referred to as a rollover image. Rollover images are graphics that change
appearance in a web browser when you move the pointer over them.
When a slice is selected, a round circle with cross hairs appears in the center of the slice. This is called a behavior
A. Slice name B. Behavior handle C. Selection handle
By dragging the behavior handle from a triggering slice and dropping it onto a target slice, you can easily create
rollover and swap-image effects. The trigger and target can be the same slice.
Hotspots also have behavior handles for incorporating rollover effects. For more information, see “Creating
hotspots” on page 216.
About rollovers
Rollovers all work the same way. One graphic triggers the display of another when the pointer rolls over it. The
trigger is always a web object—a slice, hotspot, or button.