User Guide
function applyCurrentValues()
var currValues = Widget.elem.customData["currentValues"];
//color_bg is the Layer name in the PNG that will change colors
var color_bg = Widget.GetObjectByName("color_bg");
color_bg.pathAttributes.fillColor = currValues[0].value;
switch (Widget.opCode)
case 1: setDefaultValues(); break;
case 2: applyCurrentValues(); break;
default: break;
To better understand how the .JSF file can be used to customize symbol properties, explore the sample components
that have been included with the software.
Editing instances
When you double-click an instance to edit it, you’re actually editing the symbol itself in the Symbol Editor or Button
Editor. To edit only the current instance, you need to break the link between the instance and the symbol. This
permanently breaks the relationship between the two, however, and any future edits you make to the symbol won’t
be reflected in the former instance.
Button symbols have several convenient features that allow you to retain the symbol-instance relationship for a group
of buttons, while assigning unique button text and URLs to each instance. For more information, see “Editing button
symbols” on page 224.
Editing rich symbols
If you are editing a rich symbol that has JavaScript behavior associated with it, you cannot edit the JavaScript
properties using the Symbol Editor. In order to change these symbol properties, the values need to be changed using
the Symbol Properties panel. If you want to add customizable properties to the Symbol Properties panel, you must
edit the JavaScript file associated with the symbol.
Breaking symbol links
You can modify an instance without affecting the symbol or other instances by first breaking the link between it and
the symbol.
To release an instance from a symbol:
Select the instance.
2 Select Modify > Symbol > Break Apart.
The selected instance becomes a group. The symbol in the Library panel is no longer associated with that group.
After separation from the symbol, a former button instance loses its button symbol characteristics and a former
animation instance loses its animation symbol characteristics.
Editing instance properties
These instance properties can be modified in the Property inspector without affecting the symbol or other instances:
• Blending mode