User Guide
3 In the pop-up menu that appears, do one of the following:
• Select Bevel and Emboss > Inner Bevel.
• Select Bevel and Emboss > Outer Bevel.
4 In the pop-up window that appears, select a button preset filter. These are described below.
5 Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the remaining button states, giving each state a different button preset filter.
Converting Fireworks rollovers into buttons
You can create buttons from rollovers that you created in previous versions of Fireworks. The components convert
to a button, and the new button is placed in the library.
For more information about rollovers, see “Making slices interactive” on page 205.
To convert a Fireworks rollover into a button:
Delete the slice or hotspot covering the rollover images.
2 Select Show All Frames from the Onion Skinning pop-up menu in the Frames panel.
3 Select all the objects to be included in the button.
Use the Select Behind tool to select objects that are hidden behind others. For more information, see “Using the
Select Behind tool” on page 42.
4 Select Modify > Symbol > Convert to Symbol.
The Symbol Properties dialog box opens.
5 Enter a name for the symbol in the Name text box.
6 Select the Button symbol type.
7 Click OK.
The new button is added to the library.
You can also convert four-frame animations to buttons. Simply select all four objects, and each is placed on its own
button state.
Inserting buttons into a document
You can insert instances of button symbols into a document from the Library panel.
Button preset filter Description
Raised The bevel appears to rise from the underlying objects.
Highlighted The button’s colors lighten.
Inset The bevel appears to sink into the underlying objects.
Inverted The bevel appears to sink into the underlying objects, and the colors