User Guide
Setting baseline shift
Baseline shift determines how closely text sits above or below its natural baseline. If there is no baseline shift, the text
sits on the baseline. You can use baseline shift to create subscript and superscript characters.
The baseline shift controls are in the Property inspector. Baseline shift is measured in pixels.
Baseline Shift option in the Property inspector
To set baseline shift for selected text:
❖ In the Property inspector, drag the Baseline Shift pop-up slider or enter a value in the text box to specify how low
or high, respectively, Fireworks should place the subscript or superscript text. Enter positive values to create super-
script characters. Enter negative values to create subscript characters.
Applying strokes, fills, and filters to text
You can apply strokes, fills, and filters to text in a selected text block as you would to any other object. You can apply
any style in the Styles panel to text, even if it is not a text style. You can also create a new style by saving text attributes.
After you create text, it remains editable in Fireworks. Strokes, fills, filters, and styles are updated automatically as
you edit the text.
Text with stroke, fill, filter, and style applied
You can apply solid text color to highlighted text in a text block. However, stroke attributes and non-solid fill
attributes such as gradient fills are applied to all text in a selected text block, not just to the highlighted text.
For more information about strokes and fills, see “Applying Color, Strokes, and Fills” on page 126. For more infor-
mation about using styles, see “Using styles” on page 183. For information about Live Filters, see “Applying Live
Filters” on page 147.
The Text tool does not retain stroke or Live Filter settings when you create a new text block. However, you can save
stroke, fill, and Live Filters attributes that you apply to text for reuse as a style in the Styles panel. Saving text attributes
as a style saves only the attributes, not the text itself.
To save text attributes as a style:
Create a text object and apply the attributes you want.
2 Select the text object.
3 Select New Style from the Styles panel Options menu.
4 Select the properties for the new style and name it.
5 Click OK.