User Guide
Setting interactive button properties
With Fireworks, you can control the interactive elements of a button, including the active area, URL, target, and
alternative (alt) image description.
Modifying the active area of a button symbol
The active area of a button symbol triggers interactivity when a user moves the pointer over it or clicks it in a web
browser. The active area of a button is a symbol-level property and is unique to button symbols.
When a button symbol is created, Fireworks automatically creates a special slice large enough to enclose all the states
of a button. You can edit a button slice only in the Active Area tab of the Button Editor. Each button can have only
one slice. If you draw a slice using a slice tool in the active area, the previous slice is replaced by the newly drawn
slice. You can draw hotspot objects in the Active Area tab, but you can edit those hotspots only in the Button Editor.
Note: Web objects that define a button symbol’s active area appear in the document when slices and hotspots are not
hidden, but a button’s web objects are not listed in the Layers panel and cannot be edited in the workspace.
To edit a slice or hotspot in a button symbol’s active area:
1 Do one of the following to open the button symbol in the Button Editor:
• Double-click a button instance in the workspace.
• In the Library panel, double-click the button preview or the symbol icon beside the button symbol.
2 Click the Active Area tab.
3 Do one of the following:
• Use the Pointer tool to move or reshape the slice or move a slice guide.
• Use any of the slice or hotspot tools to draw a new active area.
Setting the URL for a button symbol or instance
A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a link to another web page, website, or anchor on the same web page. The
URL can be a symbol- or instance-level button property. You can attach a URL to a selected button instance in the
Property inspector or in the URL panel.
You can attach a URL to a symbol, so that the same URL appears in the Link text box in the Property inspector for
each instance. This is helpful when entering absolute URLs within a site; you need only complete the last part of the
URL in each instance’s Link text box in the Property inspector to link the button instances.
Note: For information on absolute versus relative URLs, see “About absolute and relative URLs” on page 196.
To set the URL for a button symbol in the Button Editor:
Do one of the following to open the button in the Button Editor:
• Double-click a button instance in the workspace.
• In the Library panel, double-click the button preview or the symbol icon beside the button symbol.
2 Click the Active Area tab in the Button Editor.
3 Select the Active Area slice or hotspot.
4 Do one of the following:
• Enter the URL in the Link text box in the Property inspector, or select a page from the pop-up menu. This list
contains all of the pages in the current document.