User Guide
Original; after applying Find Edges
To apply the Find Edges filter to a selected area, do one of the following:
• In the Property inspector, click the Add Live Filters button, and then select Other > Find Edges from the Filters
pop-up menu.
• Select Filters > Other > Find Edges.
Note: Applying a filter from the Filters menu is destructive; that is, it cannot be undone except when Edit > Undo is an
option. To maintain the ability to adjust, turn off, or remove this filter, apply it as a Live Filter, as described in the first
bulleted option in this step. For more information, see “Using Live Filters” on page 147.
Converting an image to a transparency
You can use the Convert to Alpha filter to convert an object or text into a transparency based upon the transparency
of the image.
To apply the Convert to Alpha filter to a selected area, do one of the following:
• In the Property inspector, click the Add Live Filters button, and then select Other > Convert to Alpha from the
Filters pop-up menu.
• Select Filters > Other > Convert to Alpha.
Note: Applying a filter from the Filters menu is destructive; that is, it cannot be undone except when Edit > Undo is an
option. To maintain the ability to adjust, turn off, or remove this filter, apply it as a Live Filter, as described in the first
bulleted option in this step. For more information, see “Using Live Filters” on page 147.
Sharpening an image
You can use the Sharpen feature to correct images that are blurry. Fireworks has three Sharpen options:
Sharpen adjusts the focus of a blurred image by increasing the contrast of adjacent pixels.
Sharpen More increases the contrast of adjacent pixels about three times as much as Sharpen.
Unsharp Mask sharpens an image by adjusting the contrast of the pixel edges. This option offers the most control,
so it is usually the best option for sharpening an image.