
gradient fills 64
adding new color 143
adjusting 144
adjusting color transition 143
applying 142
changing colors 143
converting images to
transparency 81
Edit Gradient dialog box 143
editing 142
moving 144
removing colors from 143
rotating 144
saving custom 145
transforming 144
Grayscale color model 130
altering cell size 40
changing default color 39
showing/hiding 39
snapping objects to 39
grouping objects 58
guides 38
locking 39
snapping objects to 39
halos, removing 275
handles, transform 54
Help 2
Hexadecimal color model 130
Hide All command 170
Hide Panels command 29
Hide Selection command 170
edges 43
layers 162
objects on layers 162
panels 29
toolbars 31
highlights 72
Histogram 72
History panel 27, 40
changing the number of steps
in 343
clearing all steps from 343
editing actions with 345
replaying steps 343
placing Adobe Fireworks HTML
in 320
placing Adobe Fireworks images
in 320
applying drag-and-drop
rollovers 218
assigning URLs 212
creating 216
editing shape 217
irregular 217
on top of slices 219
HSB color model 130
HTML 281
copying and pasting from Adobe
Fireworks to Dreamweaver 283
exporting 280, 282
inserting from Adobe Fireworks
into Dreamweaver 295
replacing older version 285
Roundtrip 298
Setup 287
updating Adobe Fireworks HTML
placed in Dreamweaver 296
working with editors 327
HTML, opening tables18
hue, adjusting 71, 77
Hue/Saturation filter 77
icon images. See thumbnails
exporting to 314
importing files into Adobe
Fireworks 326
Image Editing panel 28, 63
image maps 216
creating 216
exporting 218
exporting 277
Image Editing panel 63
painting 63
saving 277
selecting 44
selecting pixels 44
images as fills. See Paste Inside
import text 122
ASCII text 123
Photoshop files 123, 323
RTF files 123
from digital camera 20
Photoshop files 323
Photoshop import preferences 348
PNG files 20
styles 185
symbols 195
indenting text 117
Info panel 28
Adobe Fireworks HTML into
Dreamweaver 295
Adobe Fireworks images into
Dreamweaver 292
Inset Path command 106
installing Photoshop plug-ins 151
instance-level properties 225
defined 186
editing 193
placing in document 187
tweening 246
integration with other
applications 291
interactive button properties 226
interactivity 13
interlacing graphics 272
interpolation (scaling) 346
Intersect command 105
Invert filter 78
italic text 112
JPEG files
choosing JPEG format 265
editing selected areas 274
optimization settings 272
progressive 274
Selective JPEG compression 273
Sharpen JPEG Edges
command 274
JPEG, saving 23
kerning 114
keyboard shortcuts 349
changing current set 349
custom shortcut sets 349
deleting custom shortcut sets 350