User Guide
When you create a new bitmap object, it is added to the current layer. In the Layers panel with layers expanded, you
can see a thumbnail and name for each bitmap object under the layer on which it resides. Although some bitmap
applications consider each bitmap object a layer, Fireworks organizes bitmap objects, vector objects, and text as
separate objects that reside on layers. For more information, see “Working with layers” on page 159.
To create a new bitmap object:
1 Select the Brush or Pencil tool from the Bitmap section of the Tools panel.
2 Paint or draw with the Brush or Pencil tool to create bitmap objects on the canvas.
A new bitmap object is added to the current layer in the Layers panel. For more information on using the Pencil or
Brush tools, see “Drawing, painting, and editing bitmap objects” on page 63.
You can create a new empty bitmap, and then draw or paint pixels in the empty bitmap.
To create an empty bitmap object, do one of the following:
• Click the New Bitmap Image button in the Layers panel.
• Select Edit > Insert > Empty Bitmap.
• Draw a selection marquee, starting in a blank area of the canvas, and fill it. For more information, see “Creating
pixel selection marquees” on page 45.
An empty bitmap is added to the current layer in the Layers panel. If the empty bitmap is deselected before any pixels
have been drawn, imported, or otherwise placed on it, the empty bitmap object automatically disappears from the
Layers panel and the document.
To cut or copy pixels and paste them as a new bitmap object:
1 Make a pixel selection using the Marquee tool, Lasso tool, or Magic Wand tool.
For more information, see “Selecting pixels” on page 44.
2 Do one of the following:
• Select Edit > Cut, then Edit > Paste.
• Select Edit > Copy, then Edit > Paste.
• Select Edit > Insert > Bitmap via Copy to copy the current selection into a new bitmap.
• Select Edit > Insert > Bitmap via Cut to cut the current selection for placement into a new bitmap.
The selection appears in the Layers panel as an object on the current layer.
Note: You can also Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) a pixel marquee selection and select a cut or copy
option from the context menu. For more information about the Bitmap via Cut and Bitmap via Copy options, see
“Inserting a new bitmap by cutting or copying” on page 53.
To convert selected vector objects to a bitmap image, do one of the following:
• Select Modify > Flatten Selection.
• Select Flatten Selection from the Layers panel Options menu.
A vector-to-bitmap conversion is irreversible, except when Edit > Undo or undoing actions in the History panel is
still an option. Bitmap images cannot be converted to vector objects.