User Guide
7 (Optional) Select Put Images in Subfolder.
8 Click Export.
The files Fireworks exported appear on your hard disk. Images and an HTML file are generated in the location you
specified in the Export dialog box. For more information about the options available in the Export dialog box when
HTML and Images is selected as the file type, see “Exporting Fireworks HTML” on page 282.
Exporting selected slices
You can export selected slices in a Fireworks document. Shift-click to select multiple slices.
Note: For more information on slicing, see “Creating and editing slices” on page 200.
To export selected slices:
1 Do one of the following:
• Select File > Export.
• To export an individual slice, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the slice and select Export
Selected Slice.
2 Select a location in which to store the exported files.
Typically, the best location is a folder within your local website.
3 Enter a filename. You do not need to enter an extension; Fireworks does that for you.
If you are exporting multiple slices, Fireworks uses the name you enter as the root name for all exported graphics,
excluding those you have custom-named using the Layers panel or the Property inspector.
4 Select Export Slices from the Slices pop-up menu.
5 To export only the slices you selected before export, select Selected Slices Only, and ensure that the Include Areas
Without Slices option is not selected.
6 Click Export.
Each slice is exported using its optimization settings as defined in the Optimize panel. For more information about
optimizing, see “About optimizing” on page 257.
Updating a slice
If you’ve already exported a sliced document, and you’ve made changes to the original document in Fireworks since
you exported it, you can update just the image or slice that changed without having to export and upload the entire
sliced image. It is recommended that you custom-name slices so that you can easily locate the replacement slice. For
more information, see “Naming slices” on page 213.
To update a single slice:
Hide the slice and edit the area underneath.
2 Show the slice again.
3 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the slice and select Export Selected Slice from the context
4 Click Export to export the slice into the same folder as the original slice using the same base name.
5 Click OK when asked to replace the existing file.