User Guide
To smudge colors in an image:
Select the Smudge tool.
2 Set the tool options in the Property inspector:
Size specifies the size of the brush tip.
Shape sets a round or square brush tip shape.
Edge specifies the softness of the brush tip.
Pressure sets the intensity of the stroke.
Smudge Color allows you to smudge using a specified color at the beginning of each stroke. If this option is
deselected, the tool uses the color under the tool pointer.
Use Entire Document smudges using color data from all objects on all layers. If this option is deselected, the Smudge
tool uses colors from the active object only.
3 Drag the tool over the pixels to be smudged.
Lightening and darkening pixels
You use the Dodge or Burn tool to lighten or darken parts of an image, respectively. This is similar to the darkroom
technique of increasing or decreasing light exposure as the photograph is developed.
To lighten or darken parts of an image:
1 Select the Dodge tool to lighten parts of an image or the Burn tool to darken parts of an image.
2 Set the brush options in the Property inspector:
Size sets the size of the brush tip.
Shape sets a round or square brush tip shape.
Edge sets the softness of the brush tip.
3 Set the exposure in the Property inspector.
The exposure ranges from 0% to 100%. For a lessened effect, specify a lower percentage value; for a stronger effect,
specify a higher value.
4 Set the range in the Property inspector:
Shadows changes mainly the dark portions of the image.
Highlights changes mainly the light portions of the image.
Midtones changes mainly the middle range per channel in the image.
5 Drag over the part of the image you want to lighten or darken.
Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) as you drag the tool to temporarily switch from the Dodge tool
to the Burn tool or from the Burn tool to the Dodge tool.
Removing red-eye from photos
In some photographs, the subjects’ pupils are an unnatural shade of red. You can use the Red-eye Removal tool to
correct this red-eye effect. The Red-eye Removal tool quickly paints red areas of a photograph only, replacing
reddish colors with grays and blacks.