User Guide
Adjusting opacity and applying blends
You can use the Property inspector or the Layers panel to adjust the opacity of selected objects and to apply blending
modes. An Opacity setting of 100 renders an object completely opaque. A setting of 0 (zero) renders an object
completely transparent.
You can also specify a blending mode and opacity before you draw an object.
To specify a blending mode and opacity before you draw an object:
❖ With the desired tool selected in the Tools panel, set blend and opacity options in the Property inspector before
you draw the object.
Note: Blend and opacity options are not available for all tools.
To set a blending mode and opacity level for existing objects:
With two objects overlapping, select the top object.
2 Select a blending option from the Blend Mode pop-up menu in the Property inspector or the Layers panel.
3 Select a setting from the Opacity pop-up slider or type a value in the text box.
To set a default blending mode and opacity level to be applied to objects as you draw them:
Choose Select > Deselect to avoid inadvertently applying a blending mode and opacity.
2 With a vector or bitmap drawing tool selected, select a blending mode and opacity level in the Property inspector.
The blending mode and opacity level you select are used as the default for any objects you subsequently draw with
that tool.
Difference Hue Saturation
Color Luminosity Invert
Tint Erase