User Guide
To resize a slice of a selected pie:
❖ Drag a drag-to-segment control point on the outer perimeter of the shape.
To reset the a selected pie to one slice:
❖ Click the Reset control point.
Adjusting L-shaped Auto Shapes
L-shapes have four control points. There are control points for adjusting the length and width of each section of the
L-shape, and for adjusting the roundness of the L-shape’s bend.
To change the length or width of a selected L-shape’s section:
❖ Drag one of the two length/width control points.
To adjust the roundness of the corners of a selected L-shape:
❖ Drag the corner radius control point.
Adjusting smart polygon Auto Shapes
Smart Polygons initially appear as pentagons with four control points. There are control points for resizing and
rotating, adding or removing polygon segments, increasing or decreasing the number of polygon sides, and adding
an inner polygon to the shape to create a ring.
To resize or rotate a selected smart polygon, do one of the following:
• Drag the scale/rotate control point.
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) the scale/rotate control point to rotate only.
To add or remove sections from a selected smart polygon:
❖ Drag the sections control point.
To change the number of sides on a selected smart polygon:
❖ Drag the sides control point.
To split a selected smart polygon into segments.
❖ Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) the sides control point.
To resize the inner polygon of a smart polygon, do one of the following:
• If the polygon has an inner polygon, drag the inner polygon control point.
• If the polygon has no inner polygon, drag the reset inner polygon control point.
To reset the inner polygon of a selected smart polygon:
❖ Click the reset inner polygon control point.
Adjusting spiral Auto Shapes
Spirals have two control points. There are control points for adjusting the number of turns in the spiral, and for
making the spiral open or closed.