User Guide
Edit Gradient pop-up window
To open the Edit Gradient pop-up window:
1 Select an object that has a gradient fill or select a gradient fill from the Fill Options pop-up menu in the Property
2 Click the Fill Color box in the Property inspector or Tools panel to open the pop-up window.
The Edit Gradient pop-up window opens with the current gradient in the color ramp and preview.
To add a new color or opacity swatch to the gradient, do one of the following:
• To add a color swatch, click the area below the gradient color ramp.
• To add an opacity swatch, click the area above the gradient color ramp.
To remove a color or opacity swatch from the gradient:
❖ Drag the swatch away from the Edit Gradient pop-up window.
To set or change the color of a color swatch:
1 Click the color swatch.
2 Select a color from the pop-up window.
To set or change the transparency of an opacity swatch:
1 Click the opacity swatch.
2 Do one of the following:
• Drag the slider to the percentage of transparency, where 0 is completely transparent and 100 is completely opaque.
• Enter a numeric value from 0 to 100 to set the opacity value.
Note: The transparency checkerboard shows through the gradient in transparent areas.
3 When you have finished editing the gradient, press Enter or click outside the Edit Gradient pop-up window. The
gradient fill appears in any selected objects and becomes the active fill.
To adjust the transition between colors in the fill:
❖ Drag color swatches left or right.
Creating fills with the Gradient tool
The Gradient tool is in the same tool group as the Paint Bucket tool. This tool works much as the Paint Bucket tool
does, but it fills an object with a gradient instead of a solid color. Like the Paint Bucket tool, it retains the properties
of the last-used element.