User Guide
2 In Fireworks, change the optimization settings as desired.
3 Click Update when finished. Click Done if the MIX Editing dialog box appears.
The image is updated in Director using the new settings.
Working with HomeSite
You can use Fireworks and HomeSite® together to create and edit web pages. Exporting and opening Fireworks
HTML in HomeSite is simple, and inserting Fireworks graphics into HomeSite documents is just as easy. But even
more important, Fireworks and HomeSite share a powerful integration that allows you to start Fireworks from
HomeSite to edit web graphics.
Placing Fireworks images in HomeSite
You can insert Fireworks-generated GIF or JPEG images into a HomeSite document. You must export the images
from Fireworks first. For information on exporting GIF and JPEG images, see Fireworks Help.
To insert a Fireworks image into a HomeSite document:
1 In HomeSite, save your document.
Note: HomeSite creates relative paths to images, but it cannot do so unless your document is saved.
2 In the Resources window, locate and select the Fireworks image you exported.
3 Do one of the following to insert the Fireworks image in your HomeSite document:
• Drag the file from the Resources window to the desired location within the HTML code on the Edit tab of the
Document window.
• On the Edit tab of the Document window, place the insertion point where you want to insert the Fireworks image,
then right-click the file in the Resources window and choose Insert as Link.
A link to the Fireworks image is created in the HTML code. Click the Browse tab to preview your image within the
HomeSite document.
Placing Fireworks HTML in HomeSite
There are a few ways to place Fireworks HTML into HomeSite. You can export Fireworks HTML, or you can copy
HTML to the Clipboard. You can also open an exported Fireworks HTML file in HomeSite and copy and paste
selected sections of code. In addition, you can easily update code you’ve exported to HomeSite using the Update
HTML command in Fireworks.
Note: Before exporting, copying, or updating Fireworks HTML for use in HomeSite, make sure to set the HTML type to
Generic in the HTML Setup dialog box. For more information, see Fireworks Help.
Exporting Fireworks HTML to HomeSite
Exporting HTML from Fireworks generates an HTML file and the associated image files in the location you specify.
You can then open the HTML file in HomeSite for further editing.
Note: Before exporting, make sure to set the HTML type to Generic in the HTML Setup dialog box. For more infor-
mation, see Fireworks Help.